Yoga, Surya Namaskar & Islam- Prof R R Pillai
Preachers of Islam have taken objection to the Surya Namaskar by thousands of school children in Madhya Pradesh at the instance of the CM, citing it’s against the the tenets of Islam. They are of the view that this Surya Namaskar has religious overtones. Since Sun is worshiped as a deity among Hindus when you bow your head in Surya Namaskar you are bowing to sun, Allah’s creation, which is not allowed in Islam.They say one is not allowed in Islam to bow to one’s own mother and father as they too are Allah’s creations. In short Islam allows only to bow to Allah and to non of His creations.
But millions of believers of Islam when they offer their prayers they do bow down. So what one may ask. They bow to the Almighty Allah and non else. But I have different view point .
The earth is spinning in the Cosmos around the sun. We are on the surface of the earth which is in space. Just above us we see the sky and in front the horizon which is where the earth curves. Standing or sitting on the earth, when we bow we also bow to the millions of stars, planets, galaxies ,sun etc that are present in the Cosmos. These are all Allah’s creation too. So is not one bowing to all these when one is offering the prayers. How can one deny that one is not bowing to Allah’s creations but bowing only to Allah. The logic is clearly flawed in the face of well established scientific facts.
Surya Namaskar is Yogic practice and since yoga originated in India it will be ever so easy to be accepted as way forward for healthy living by Hindus. As long as it is not imposed on the children of other religious believers it should be a welcome act.
One should look at health benefits Yoga offers and not allow few bigots to meddle with peoples lives in this age of advanced scientific knowledge ,that well meaning human beings have painstakingly acquired and has put at the disposal of mankind for a safe healthy and peaceful living on this planet. Scientific facts and religious beliefs should not be at a conflict course. Instead they must peacefully complement mankind’s efforts for emancipation.
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