TOI Edit Too Little Too Late — Prof R R Pillai

August 16 2011No Comments

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The Times Of India’s editorial criticising the PM on the Lokpal issue is too little too late. The edit critically views today at the PM’s Independence day speech outlining the steps contemplated by the government to fight corruption. The edit says ‘ His (PM’s)case would have been more robust if the government had presented a stronger version of the Lokpal Bill in Parliament, or if it had found a way to engage civilly with the many alternative versions being proposed, without agreeing with them’ .

This view comes from a leading newspaper TOI after the confrontation  of Team Anna  and the government  had reached its zenith and  after the government imposed S 144. Today we are reading the edit that  the government should have introduced a strong Lokpal Bill along withe news that  Anna and his Team has been arrested in a most undemocratic way. Is not Times opinion on burning issue too little too late?

If only leading Newspapers like TOI and some front line News TV channels had buit up a  strong public opinion in favour of a strong Lokpal Bill and engaged the Government of the day  and influenced to introduce the same in the Parliament earlier situations would not have precipitated to  as we see them now. The confrontation is full blown now.The edit is like a few drops of water on the engulfing fire.

The time has come to question why the members of the fourth estate especially the leading English dailies don’t stand on the right side of a burning issue and build public opinion for favourable government response. Why instead they sit for too long a time on the fence or taking just sides till the sensation begins to unfold through confrontation of the parties concerned. What is the justification of the very existence of these fourth estate members when they  are not on the right side of the issue right from the beginning and facilitate the just to happen.

The fourth estate should be proactive, sense the trouble ahead, expose the wrongful attitude of the government and build a strong public opinion so that the government sees the damaging consequences if it doesn’t act justly.

The TOI’s edit opining now that a strong Lokpal Bill should have been introduced in the Parliament , should have come much earlier from a strong member of the fourth estate.

Now that the leading newspaper TOI has opined that a strong Lokpal Bill would have made a difference, Should we all question the entire cabinet of its motive in introducing a weak Lokpal Bill and putting the whole  country into confrontation with the Government of the day. Let’s debate, discuss the motives of the government and if need be take this issue of the  motives of the government in introducing a toothless Bill to fight against the monster of Corruption, to the court and test the mens rea of those responsible for such a grave neglect. Let Truth Prevail !

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