Shiv Sena & Rohinton Mistry’s Book – Prof R R pillai

October 21 2010No Comments

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Court should intervene and stay the decision of the VC of Mumbai University to drop the book in a tearing hurry, as an interim relief .

Aditya Thackeray of Shiv Sena succeeded. So too Rohinton Mistry.  The former could get the book Such A  Long Journey dropped from the degree course of Mumbai University in a jiffy. And the latter’s readership number  will obviously multiply manyfolds because of the uproar in the media worldwide.

What’s deplorable is what happened at the highest level at the Mumbai University. The urgency with which the demand for dropping the book from the degree course syllabus in the middle of the current yearhas been conceded only erodes the credibility of the autonomous position of the VC’s Chair. The emergency provisions invoked by the VC for an issue like this confirms the politicisation more, than for achieving any laudable goals of the University.

To restore the credibility of the VC”s chair the court should intervene and stay  the decision of the VC and the book under question should be continued in the syllabus for the current year at least. At the same time the Court should appoint a committeee to get into the merits of the Literary work. Board of Studies of the University, Student bodies , Academics and other concerned eminent persons can air their views to the Committee.

Based on the objective findings of such fair and  free deliberations on  the merit of the literary work ,its continuity or otherwise should be decided from the academic year 2011-12.

Only such a decision would restore the eroded credibility of the University. Emergency powers are meant to be used judiciously and not, at the drop of the hat. Or for that matter to save the VC”s position, which is already shaky on various allegations of the non suitability of his candidature for the VC’s post on different grounds.The court should take up suo motto this executive excess or PIL is justified for a judicial relief to set right the reputation of University of Mumbai.

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