Tax Havens – The Weapons of Mass Destruction- Prof R R Pillai
All tax havens in the world which provide safety nets to those involved in nothing but cheating their own nations under different garbs must be treated as weapons of mass destruction and hence must be compelled by world leadership to dismantle these toxic destructive systems which is slowly but steadily proliferating sick economies around the globe.
Saddam Husain was finally hanged for threatening the world with chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. So should these secret account providing countries and the tax heavens must be held to have weapons of mass destruction destroying the financial health of economies and these facilities must be destroyed forth with.
World leadership must act fast on these lines. These tax havens and secret account policies of the 1920s have cornered an estimated 11 trillion dollars and defying all regulations .The toxins are spreading fast. Stop it and save the toiling millions with less taxes and better welfare management. (To be continued)
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